Monday, March 9, 2009

SNL's thinly veiled attempt at Racism

It's suppose to be funny, ha ha. All they're doing is poking fun at Michael Steele, ha ha. SNL does parodies of politicians all the time, so it's no big deal.


Now, I am one that feels that the "racism" card gets thrown around way too much. It has become the catch-all buzz word to shut somebody down when you can't argue the facts with them. But in this case, it is racism. The weekend update skit with Seth Thomas and Keenan Thompson portraying Michael Steele, is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at racism. Turn it around, had Thompson, whom I find is not very talented to begin with, portrayed a democrat, can you hear the howls from the commucrats and their mouthpieces in the media? After all, the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the democratic party anymore and ceased having any credibilty as being "objective" sometime around the Reagan era. It got bad with Clinton and it's even worse with the messiah since they worship the ground he walks on or should I say, the water.

In this skit, Thompson and Meyers, attempt to make Steele out as a minion of Rush Limbaugh and a wooden dummy who just spouts whatever Rush and the Republican party says. It makes Steele look like an "Uncle Tom" that will utter whatever the hand in his back tells him to, quoting Rush and so-called republican talking points. Watch the skit and then think, if they were portraying a democrat, what the outcry would be. Al Sharpton with his bullhorn would be outside 30 Rock along with Jesse Jackson threatening NBC with a lawsuit for being racist. Of course, since it's a black republican they are portraying, nothing will be said, because Steele is probably not "black" enough or "down for the struggle" as they say. Tell me if you think this isn't a thinly veiled form of racism.